A Little Trick For Cleaning Grime Off Your Fretboard
A little trick I found somewhere down the road for cleaning grime off of my fretboard without spending tons of money on guitar cleaning products
A little trick I found somewhere down the road for cleaning grime off of my fretboard without spending tons of money on guitar cleaning products
I have been improvising with this lick in blues jam sessions for over ten years now
This melodic solo is simple and elegant
This riff is so much fun… Especially when you put the two parts together
John Frusciante’s genius is that while he’s not a “perfect technique” guitarist, he can come up with licks that are both melodically superb, easy to play, and full of rhythm and feel
Plenty of interesting exercises here for you to practice your hammer-ons and pull-offs just right.
By using your fingers, you’ve got FOUR picks. Use ’em!
Wondering what’s holding you back sound-wise? It might very well be the way you bend the strings or use vibrato
Having difficulty playing barre chords? No problem. There’s actually a VERY simple solution. It involves moving just one finger